Life-Saving Conversation: The Importance of Medical Interpretation – Welcome to episode #70

In Episode 70 of the Localization Fireside Chat, titled “Life-Saving Conversation: The Importance of Medical Interpretation,” we delved into the critical and life-saving service of medical interpretation. Hosted by Robin Ayoub, this episode featured a distinguished panel of professionals: Ludmila (Mila) Golovine, CEO of Masterword and founder of Safe AI; Erisa Hysi, co-founder of Linga Serve; Jinny Bromberg of Bromberg Associates Linguists Online Education; Tatiana GonZales-Cestari, PhD, Director of Language and Service Advocacy at CloudBreak Health LLC; and Natalya Mytareva, Executive Director of the CCHI Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters. These experts shared their insights and experiences, highlighting the indispensable role of medical interpreters in the healthcare system. This discussion underscored the passion and dedication driving this profession and emphasized the significant impact interpreters have on patient care and safety.

Empowering the Profession: Natalia’s Appeal

The conversation began with Natalya Mytareva, who expressed gratitude for the opportunity to discuss the often-overlooked field of medical interpretation. Natalya passionately appealed to her fellow interpreters, emphasizing the importance of professional credentials. She stated, “Proving that you’re a professional starts with saying that you have a credential. I know I have a certification representative. But if you have that, you have a structure that allows you to advocate for the profession, for better workforce conditions, and for better financial reimbursement.”

Natalya’s message was clear: the legitimacy and recognition of interpreters are crucial for advancing the profession and ensuring interpreters receive the respect and compensation they deserve. She reinforced that passion and profession can coexist, encouraging interpreters to pursue their calling without compromise.

Jinny’s Contribution: Looking Forward

Following Natalya, Jinny Bromberg expressed her appreciation for being part of the discussion and shared her anticipation for upcoming events in the field. She remarked, “Thank you for joining. I look forward to receiving some information about the online conference and participating if time allows, but I appreciate you being here.” Jinny’s comments highlighted the ongoing efforts to connect professionals within the industry and foster a collaborative environment for continuous learning and development.

Jinny also shared additional information about the upcoming 9th virtual conference hosted by Linguist Education Online. She said, “I’m glad to share more information about LEO’s upcoming 9th virtual conference. This time we will have Renato Beninato, Natalya Mytareva, and many other well-known industry leaders and experts. It’s always engaging and well attended. Here is the link to the conference page: LEO 9th Conference.”

Empowering Others: A Core Mission by Erisa Hysi

Erisa Hysi shared a heartfelt message about the core mission of medical interpretation: empowering others. She reflected, “To me, it’s all about empowering others. If we were able to do that, if this 40-something minutes or an hour of recording can empower someone else to do something for someone else who needs it, then it’s worth it. So, I’m very happy and humbled to be here today.”

This sentiment resonates deeply within the field of medical interpretation. The ability to empower patients by facilitating clear and accurate communication is at the heart of what interpreters do. This empowerment extends beyond the immediate interaction, as it builds trust and understanding between patients and healthcare providers.

Mila’s Closing Thoughts: Collaboration and Inclusivity

Mila Golovine concluded the discussion by emphasizing the importance of collaboration across various sectors, including the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. She encouraged listeners to follow the Safe AI Task Force for updates and resources. Mila stated, “It’s actually a collaborative effort across all industry verticals in interpreting for the first time, even in collaboration with the deaf and hard-of-hearing community when we’re establishing guidelines and there are some reports, very extensive reports that have been published there, and they’re all available for free.”

Her message underscores the importance of inclusivity and cooperation in developing standards and practices that benefit the entire interpreting community. By working together, interpreters can ensure that their services are accessible, effective, and respectful of all individuals’ needs.

Tatiana’s Perspective: Advancing Advocacy

Tatiana GonZales-Cestari shared her thoughts on the broader implications of medical interpretation and the need for ongoing advocacy. She highlighted the importance of empowering interpreters to advocate for themselves and their profession. “Empowering interpreters with the tools and recognition they need is essential for the advancement of our field and the improvement of patient care,” she stated.

Tatiana’s perspective reinforced the idea that medical interpretation is not just about language skills but also about advocacy and continuous improvement within the healthcare system.

Final Thanks and Reflections: Robin’s Commitment

Robin Ayoub wrapped up the episode with heartfelt thanks to the panelists and listeners. He shared the personal nature of the Localization Fireside Chat, highlighting its independence and the passion that fuels it. Robin remarked, “The organization fireside chat is a personal initiative by me. It’s not funded by anybody, it’s not supported by anybody, it’s not paid by anybody. It’s an independent channel, as many of you have mentioned before, driven and fueled by passion, nothing else.”

He also extended his gratitude to the audience for their support and engagement, reiterating the importance of these conversations in promoting understanding and appreciation of medical interpretation.

Jinny’s Additional Remarks

Jinny Bromberg added, “Thanks again for having me on the panel and for a great discussion. I hope you consider doing a round 2 on this topic as there is so much more to unpack, starting from the recently updated legal regulations in the US, professionalizing the profession in terms of soft skills in addition to accreditation, and so on.”

She also provided her bio and headshot for further reference: “Founder and President of Bromberg & Associates and the Executive Director of Linguist Education Online, Jinny is a lifelong advocate of meaningful language access. She dedicated her life and focused her company’s efforts on breaking down language barriers. Jinny serves as the Association of Language Companies Board Officer, where she also co-chairs the Language Access Subcommittee and is on the Advocacy Committee.”

Conclusion: The Ongoing Journey

As Episode 70 of the Localization Fireside Chat concluded, it left listeners with a profound appreciation for the critical role of medical interpreters. These professionals are not only facilitators of communication but also champions of patient rights and well-being. The discussion highlighted the necessity of professional credentials, collaboration, and continuous learning in advancing the field.

Through their dedication and expertise, medical interpreters ensure that language barriers do not hinder access to quality healthcare. As Robin and his panelists emphasized, the passion for this profession drives its ongoing evolution and impact, making every effort and conversation worthwhile.

This is Robin Ayoub Signing off

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