From Jingles to Movies: The Evolution of Brazil’s Premier Dubbing Studio

Welcome to Episode #71 of the Localization Fireside Chat Podcast! In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Jose Gustavo Souza, CEO of the Dubbing Company, and Renato Somera, Head of Business Development. This blog post delves into their incredible journey and the fascinating world of dubbing and localization.

The Journey Begins: From Advertising to Dubbing

Jose Gustavo Souza’s journey into the world of dubbing started from a background in advertising and audio production. Originally part of an audiovisual company called Fábrica do Som, Jose’s team specialized in creating jingles, soundtracks, and audio advertisements. The pivotal moment came when a friend working at a dubbing studio in Miami offered him the opportunity to dub a full-length movie. Despite having only worked on short advertisements, Jose took on the challenge, successfully dubbing a 90-minute movie that aired on a major Brazilian channel, Band-Aids.

This experience was transformative, revealing the unique joy and challenges of dubbing compared to advertising. Unlike ads, which aim to sell products, dubbing is about making content accessible and emotionally resonant with audiences. This realization prompted Jose and his team to pivot their focus entirely toward the dubbing industry.

Building a Dubbing Powerhouse in Brazil

Located in Campinas, a major technological hub near São Paulo, the Dubbing Company has grown significantly over the past 12 years. With a facility spanning 270 square meters, the studio houses six recording booths and four mixing rooms, including two 5.1 surround sound rooms. The team has expanded to include 20 full-time employees, complemented by a network of over 500 freelancers, including voice actors, directors, technicians, and translators.

Renato Somera, who transitioned from a career in advertising and marketing to business development at the Dubbing Company, highlighted the diverse projects they handle. The company not only dubs movies and series but also works on e-learning content, animations, and corporate training materials. Their expertise extends to localizing songs for children’s shows, a complex task that requires maintaining the original song’s metric while translating lyrics meaningfully.

Embracing Technology and Sustainability

One of the key themes discussed in the podcast was the role of technology in the dubbing industry. While the Dubbing Company currently relies on manual processes to ensure the highest quality, they are exploring the potential of AI to enhance efficiency. For instance, AI-driven translation tools are becoming increasingly effective, offering cost-saving opportunities for large-scale projects.

Moreover, the Dubbing Company is a pioneer in sustainability. As Renato proudly mentioned, their studio operates entirely on solar energy, making them one of the few dubbing studios in Brazil committed to reducing their carbon footprint. This eco-friendly approach not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also sets them apart in the industry.

Navigating Market Challenges

The dubbing industry, like many others, faces significant market pressures, particularly concerning pricing. As the demand for high-quality localized content grows, so does the competition, leading to a downward pressure on prices. Despite these challenges, the Dubbing Company remains steadfast in their commitment to quality.

Jose and Renato explained that their clients choose to work with them primarily due to their unwavering focus on quality, security, and fast response times. The company is TPN certified, ensuring top-notch security for all content. Additionally, their ability to respond quickly and efficiently to client needs has earned them a reputation for reliability and excellence.

The Future of Dubbing: Human Touch vs. AI

Looking ahead, the conversation naturally turned to the future of dubbing in the face of advancing AI technology. While AI offers exciting possibilities, such as automating parts of the dubbing process, Jose emphasized the irreplaceable value of the human touch. The current AI-generated dubbing lacks the emotional depth and nuance that human actors bring, which is crucial for engaging audiences.

Renato added that the ultimate decision will rest with consumers. As technology evolves, they may have the option to choose between AI-generated and human-dubbed content. However, maintaining high-quality, human-driven dubbing will likely continue to command a premium, catering to audiences who value authenticity and emotional resonance.


The Dubbing Company’s journey from a small audio production house to a leading dubbing studio in Brazil is a testament to their adaptability, commitment to quality, and innovative spirit. As they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by technological advancements, their focus remains on delivering top-tier localized content that resonates with audiences worldwide.

For more insights and to connect with Jose Gustavo Souza and Renato Somera, visit their website at or connect with them on LinkedIn: Jose Gustavo Souza and Renato Somera.

Tags: #DubbingIndustry #Localization #AIinDubbing #BrazilianDubbing #AudioLocalization #SustainabilityInMedia #JoseGustavoSouza #RenatoSomera #LocalizationFiresideChat #DubbingCompany #MediaLocalization #EntertainmentIndustry

Until next time this is Robin Ayoub Signing off.

In honor of Father’s Day meet my best friend, my Father Sami Ayoub, who gave it all to his family.

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